Wonderful Things, Wonderful Prices, One Central Location


From the monthly archives: October 2015

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'October 2015'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

A Gallery of Guns

Despite the fact that Metro Pawn & Gun has an immense and equally diverse selection of firearms and one that changes regularly due to the nature of our business, there may be something very specific that you are looking for, but cannot find in our store. No problem – we understand the needs of our clients and have a solution.

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Watching the Gold Market

January 2nd of the year 2000 would have been a great day to buy gold! At $288 per ounce, people that were watching the gold markets back in mid-1976, when one ounce of gold was selling for around $105, must have been kicking themselves for not having cashed in their savings account or college fund and bought gold coins or bullion. For those who did, August of 2011 was a happy month, as they turned their relatively meager investment into a $1917 per ounce cash portfolio!

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