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From the monthly archives: October 2020

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'October 2020'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Getting ready for winter

Minnesota is a place where winter might not really get going until January or February, but we might also get buried in early November. Our temperatures can be pretty mild, or we can plunge into sub-zero weather for weeks at a time. The Twin Cities and surrounding areas are no stranger to an abundance of snow and ice, so getting ready before the winter wonderland arrives is wise.

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Prepping: Smart or Not?

The year 2020 has certainly accentuated one fact – normal life can be very suddenly and significantly disrupted. With little warning, we went from ordinary, relatively uneventful daily routines to unprecedented lockdowns in the face of a global pandemic. Everyday activities such as shopping, going to the movies, getting a haircut or taking the family out to eat either ceased entirely or became rather complicated. Social distancing, face masks, curbside pickups, directional arrows on floors and Zoom meetings became a part of our lexicon.

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