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From the monthly archives: June 2022

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'June 2022'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Investing in Silver

For many centuries, silver has been regarded and valued as a precious metal. More abundant than gold and therefore not as costly, silver metal has often functioned as a coinable monetary system.  Beyond currency, silver has numerous applications such as jewelry, ornamentation, tableware, water filtration and as an investment in the form of bullion, to name a few. Silver is used industrially in electrical contacts and semi-conductors as it possesses the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal.  Other applications include mirrors and window coatings, as well as in photographic film and X-rays. Dilute silver nitrate solutions and other silver compounds are used as disinfectants, added to bandages and wound-dressings, and incorporated into various medical instruments.

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Learn to Shoot

Shooting is one of America’s favorite hobbies. It can take on many forms, including casual target practice, hunting, school trapshooting sports, advanced competitive shooting and firearm education. No matter the discipline, there is always that ‘first time’ that someone gets to handle and use a firearm. So what things should you bear in mind when you consider becoming a participant in the shooting arts?

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